Why should you follow your passion?

In these 24 years of my life span , what I have observed till date is people following their passion has a higher chances of succeding and surviving in this dynamic and competitive world. Passion can be described as a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or compelling desire for someone or something. Passion can range from eager interest or admiration for an idea to enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity. Here I'll be pointing out some points about why you should always follow your passion or your interests in order to be happy and successful.

You will be happy

Happiness is something that everyone desires for. Most of the time you must have seen people complaining about their job even after getting a high paid salary. The main cause of this dejection is,they follow up doing something that they are not at all enthusiastic about.On the other hand if you get to do something you are very passionate about will not only make you happy but also will help you devote your 100 percent into the work.

Work will feel like fun

If you're following your passion as a source of income, you'll never feel tired of working, rather than that it would be like fun for you. You are going to explore more and more in the field that you love and every new day you're refining yourself to be your best version.

You will become more determined

Determination for a work only comes whenever you are in love with the work. If your're passionate about your work , then definately you are going to be determined towards it. As, the old saying go " Determinbation is the key to success", you'll not be far from succeding.

Your life will have a purpose

Following your passion in life gives you a sense of purpose to exist in this world. It also helps to instill something bigger and greater than just yourself. As long as what you’re pursuing moves beyond just the selfish reasons and really attempts to contribute value to the world, it will help you fulfill something far greater than you could ever imagine.

The end of procrastination

When we delay doing our work? Either we don't like it or we are very lazy. Once you get to do something that you are passionate about you'll no longer keep delaying it.Your passion will ignite your work and you'll overcome any obstacle that would come you way to achieve the results.

Life is short

Average life span of a man is 60 years and you must always live the days in a way that you won't regret in your latter life .Working 8 hours a day and 5 days a week at something which makes you miserable is not a way of living life.

So it is very essential to love what you do to make your life smooth and happiest. Once you finally make it, you will realize the value of fulfillment. The feeling of fulfillment is greater than achieving success as you will be proud that you have reached their successfully.

"Follow your Passion and Success will follow you"